Courtesy Aircraft's Mark Clark Talks Warbird Market and NWOC on Warbird Radio  Click Here To Listen To Podcast

Courtesy Aircraft


Additional Links and Resources

352nd Fighter Squadron, LLC

The 352nd Fighter Squadron, LLC was formed honor of the 352nd Fighter Squadron of the 353rd Fighter Group- 8th AF. The squadron’s purpose is to provide realistic education to students and the general public. Our mission statement is simple, “Educate in honor of the greatest generation from the ground up.”

Fly-ins, and other aviation gatherings are the heart and soul of aviation. Pilots and enthusiasts love to get together and share their appreciation for all that aviation has to offer. This site is dedicated to that love of aviation, for its advancement, the enjoyment and pure fun of it all!

Rezich & Rezich Aviation Consulting

Rezich & Rezich Aviation Consulting offers a wide range of aviation-related consulting services, from aircraft technical evaluations and maintenance visit oversight to safety audits and engineering evaluations and services.

The Spirit of Tulsa CAF Squadron

The Commemorative Air Force of Tulsa, OK is a 501c3, non-profit organization, comprised of volunteer work crews age 13 – adult dedicated to the restoration and flying of World War II aircraft. 

Zeno’s Warbird Videos

Books, videos, and links.

Aviation Autographs

Aviation Autographs has just launched the new 2.0 e-commerce website devoted to rare and limited edition books, prints and unique collections of items signed by Aviation Legends and Notables from World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, modern day and more.

Your source for information relating to all Darton Aviation Kits, both past and future.

Evan Flys

Be sure to check out EvanFlys where 10 year old Evan has interviewed some of the most famous pilots in the aviation world – meet them and read their interviews. Evan is featured on Flight Line Internet Radio, has his own column at Atlantic Flyer and InFlight USA Magazine is publishing his work! Evan reports on airshows, cool aviators and their planes. With this kid… skies the limit!

Fighting Colors

Vintage Aircraft Nose Art from the 20th Century

Lima Lima Flight Team