Courtesy Aircraft

Courtesy Aircraft Sales Participating in The Last Time…Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the DC-3

Largest DC-3/ C-47 Formation Flight in the World Monday, July 26, 2010 This summer, over 40 DC-3/ C-47 aircraft will participate in the last largest formation flight in the world at this year’s EAA AirVenture located at Oshkosh, Wisconsin.  This historic day has been named The Last Time. People from all around the world will have an opportunity to see this large assembly of aircraft together for the last time.  Courtesy Aircraft Sales is proud to announce that we will be participating in this historic flight with our DC-3, N1944H “Spirit of Alaska”. Our goal is to educate people on this important aircraft, once quoted by Franklin D. Roosevelt as “The aircraft that changed the world.”  We are searching for people who have flown or worked on our aircraft. The “Spirit of Alaska” has not always been called by that name. Throughout her long life, this DC-3 has performed many different duties and served many people. Originally owned by the United States Army, the DC-3 started its life in 1945 as 45-1108, a C-47B. The next year, it was delivered to the United States Air Force. In March of 1946, it was put in the care of the RFC, Reconstruction Finance Corporation. This corporation was formed to dispose of government surplus materials. With only 35.5 hours, it was flown to Mineola, NY where all military equipment was removed and then repainted in civilian colors. This was the end of her military career. It was immediately sold to a gentleman who wanted to start an airline, but unfortunately, it never took off. In early 1946, Jack Losse, the Chief Pilot for Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) found the DC-3. He jumped at the opportunity to buy this military aircraft. After it was purchased, he had it converted to a company DC-3 by Aero Trades, Inc. located in Long Island. The DC-3 entered into civilian registration as NC54542 and became the corporate aircraft for CBS. CBS sold the aircraft in 1948 with only 550 hours. The DC-3 was re-registered as N280M and flew for Outboard and Marine Manufacturing Company (OMC) of Milwaukee, WI from December of 1966 to March 1977.  In 1977, OMC donated the DC-3 to the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) of Franklin, WI. During this time, it was re-registered again as N54542. The DC-3 flew Headquarters personnel, EAA merchandise and later gave scenic rides in Oshkosh, WI.  EAA later sold her to Mike Suzuki of California Air Tours in Burbank, CA. During this time, this aircraft carried thousands of tourists on trips to the Grand Canyon from Burbank, CA piloted by Walter Brubaker and copilot Captain Dan Ried.  This operation ran from 1989 to 1991. In April of 1995, a Part 121 Airline, Era Classic Airlines purchased the aircraft and renamed her “Spirit of Alaska.”  With approximately 16,500 hours she began to fly sightseeing tours in South-central Alaska. “Spirit of Alaska’s” hostesses were outfitted in 1940’s attire all the way down to seamed stockings and white gloves. Big Band and swing music played while champagne was served.  Even 1940’s news headlines were read over the PA system. After many Alaskan adventures, in 2003 “Spirit of Alaska” was sold and currently resides in Rockford, IL. Currently, the “Spirit of Alaska” has approximately 17,700 hours, and continues to be regularly flown. Any pictures? Relics? Stories?  If you know anyone or you can help us on our quest and has additional information on our aircraft, please contact our office at your earliest convenience. Ownership and past N #s of N1944H includes: United States Air Force (45-1108) Reconstruction Finance Corporation Columbia Broadcasting System (NC54542) Outboard and Marine Manufacturing Company (N280M) Experimental Aircraft Association (N54542) California Air Tours and Era Classic Airlines (N1944H) A little history on THE DC-3 The Grand Old Lady of Aviation During the time Franklin Delano Roosevelt was serving his first term as President of the United States, corporate officials of the Douglas Corporation in Long Beach, California were diligently working on an airplane that would years later be hailed as “the airplane that changed the world.”  Time has proven how truly successful that effort was with the production of the immortal DC-3. In the U.S., 10,926 DC-3’s were built by Douglas over 2,000 of which are still flying strong today.  American Airlines was the first commercial operator to utilize the DC-3, in 1936. Soon Pan Am and other airlines were pioneering routes in the U.S. as well as Canada and Alaska using this sturdy workhorse, which can land safely on beaches and unimproved strips as well as modern airports.  The DC-3, also known as the C-47 went to war in 1941 serving all allied nations. Many seemingly impossible missions were accomplished with the flexible DC-3. The venerable Grand Old Lady was the first airplane to land at the North Pole and the first to land at the South Pole. Once a member of the 8th Air Force, this Grand Old Lady more than likely took part in D-Day operations with a Troop Carrier Squadron in WWII. Whether saving Guadalcanal during the bleakest days of the war or carrying troops for history’s greatest invasions, the DC-3/C-47 has been an important link to freedom. An impressive tribute to this airplane was made when Dwight D. Eisenhower said, “The three things that helped win World War II were the jeep, the bazooka, and the DC-3.” Contact information: Mark Clark                                  (800) 426-8783 President                                      (815) 229-5112 Courtesy Aircraft Sales                 [email protected] 5233 Falcon Road               Rockford, IL 61109 USA Darcy Kaapke                              (800) 426-8783 Marketing Director                       (815) 229-5112 Courtesy Aircraft Sales                 [email protected] 5233 Falcon Road               Rockford, IL 61109 USA

Courtesy Aircraft Needs Your Help Solving a Mystery about an Aviation Legend

In 1932, the famous aviator Howard Hughes formed the Hughes Aircraft Company as a division of the Hughes Tool Company. Hughes Aircraft thrived on wartime contracts during WWII and by the early 50’s, it was one of America’s leading defense contractors and aerospace companies. During these busy times, a C-47 was purchased by the company. This aircraft is now being sold by Courtesy Aircraft Sales. As you can see, the registration was signed by Howard Hughes’ right hand man, Mr. Glenn Oderkirk. Glenn Oderkirk, also known as “Ode” contributed his work to the legendary H-4 Hercules (Spruce Goose) as well as helping design the fastest land plane in the world during the time, the Hughes H-1. Could this C-47 aircraft have been flown by the legendary Howard Hughes?  Courtesy Aircraft Sales is brokering N88786 (now registered as N293WM) and is in search of additional history on this aircraft so the next owner will have a more detailed understanding. To fly in the same cockpit as Mr. Hughes would be a great honor for any pilot! One way or another, this aircraft has a famous past:  A true historic “gem” that we need to preserve. Help Us Solve The Mystery! Any pictures? Stories?  If you know anyone that has additional information on this C-47 or if you can help us with our quest, please contact our office. History of the Douglas DC-3/ C-47 During the time Franklin Delano Roosevelt was serving his first term as President of the United States, corporate officials of the Douglas Corporation in Long Beach, California were diligently working on an airplane that would years later be hailed as “the airplane that changed the world.” Time has proven how truly successful that effort was with the production of the immortal DC-3. In the U.S., 10,926 DC-3’s were built by Douglas over 2,000 of which are still flying strong today. American Airlines was the first commercial operator to utilize the DC-3, in 1936. Soon, Pan Am and other airlines were pioneering routes in the U.S. as well as Canada and Alaska using this sturdy workhorse, which can land safely on beaches and unimproved strips as well as modern airports. The DC-3, also known as the C-47 went to war in 1941 serving all allied nations. Many seemingly impossible missions were accomplished with the flexible DC-3. The venerable Grand Old Lady was the first airplane to land at the North Pole and the first to land at the South Pole. Once a member of the 8th Air Force, this Grand Old Lady more than likely took part in D-Day operations with a Troop Carrier Squadron in WWII. Whether saving Guadalcanal during the bleakest days of the war or carrying troops for history’s greatest invasions, the DC-3/C-47 has been an important link to freedom. An impressive tribute to this airplane was made when Dwight D. Eisenhower said, “The three things that helped win World War II were the jeep, the bazooka, and the DC-3.” [foogallery id=”2232″] Contact information: Mark Clark                                  (800) 426-8783 President                                      (815) 229-5112 Courtesy Aircraft Sales                 [email protected] 5233 Falcon Road               Rockford, IL 61109 USA Darcy Kaapke                              (800) 426-8783 Marketing Director                       (815) 229-5112 Courtesy Aircraft Sales                 [email protected] 5233 Falcon Road               Rockford, IL 61109 USA

Curious Pilots Attend First Ever North American T-28 Trojan Intro Day Held at Courtesy Aircraft

When was the last time you were offered a ground school lesson and a complementary flight in a Warbird? As many Warbird Owners know, there are not many opportunities before you purchase a Warbird to have a ground school lesson and fly such rare aircraft.  Courtesy Aircraft Sales teamed up with Heritage Aero and members of the Trojan Horseman to coordinate an Introduction Day that would include an overview of a post-WWII aircraft trainer with excellent flight characteristics: The North American T-28. The goal was to give people a taste of what it is like to fly and own a T-28. Needless to say, many people were ecstatic to have been given the opportunity! On May 6, 2011 Courtesy Aircraft had a full house of curious and excited attendees. The day started with introductions and what a great group of attendees we had! This array of people included General Aviation Pilots, an F-16 pilot and actual T-28 Instructors from the 1950s. There was even a pair of gentleman that instructed the T-28 together over 40 years ago and found each other in the same room! After we finished our introductions, we jumped right into a ground school lesson followed by testimonials of flying the T-28 and Formation Flying. The group then went out to the hanger for a lesson on the T-28 Pre-Flight Inspection followed by a break for lunch. After a few laughs, the attendees broke into three groups and the flights began in the T-28. All three 1,425 horse power engines roared and each one of the attendees began their complementary flight. After a few hours of flying, everyone had smiling faces and complete satisfaction with their flight. Attendee Steven Spector later commented, “I would like to thank you for having the T-28 Intro Day. It was an informative and fun day. Before attending the Intro Day, the T-28 appeared to me to be too big of a step-up from flying General Aviation planes and a Stearman. However, after attending the class and actually flying the T-28, I felt it was a plane that the typical 1,500 hour, General Aviation Pilot can own and safely operate.” A successful day of ground school and Warbird flying was completed. Mark Clark, President of Courtesy Aircraft stated, “It was a pleasure to give people an opportunity to learn about and fly these pieces of history. It is important that the Warbird community passes down their knowledge to others on their aircraft, and to keep up people’s enthusiasm with these vintage aircraft. That way we can continue to see them fly for many years to come.” [foogallery id=”2211″] For more information, contact: Mark Clark, President [email protected] Darcy Kaapke, Marketing Director & Sales [email protected] Courtesy Aircraft Sales 5233 Falcon Road Rockford, IL 61109 USA (815) 229-5112 (800) 426-8783

A Unique Piece of Aviation History Now Available On The Market! 1954 AEROCAR ONE

Courtesy Aircraft has been appointed exclusive sales agent for the rare Fully Standard Certified 1954 AEROCAR. This AEROCAR features folding wings that can be towed behind the automobile while in transit on the road. It also features automobile necessities including a horn and rear view mirror. This is one of five original AEROCARS that exist today. Interesting Facts: Cruise speed is 100 mph. Takeoff speed is 55 mph It only takes approximately 10 minutes to convert the automobile to an airplane. Click Here to View the AEROCAR Featured in History Channel’ s Modern Marvels Click Here to View the AEROCAR Featured in Good Morning America in 1988 Click Here to View the AEROCAR Featured in Aerocar Flying Car Invention Newsreel and Stock Footage AIRCRAFT SPECIFICATIONS:Engine: Lycoming 0-320, 4 cylinder rated at 150 H.P. Length Overall (as an airplane): 21 feet Height Overall (as an airplane): 7 feet 2 inches Length of Car Portion: 10 feet 4 inches Length of Trailer Portion: 13 feet Width of Trailer: 8 feet Wingspan: 30 feet Wing Cord: 6 feet 3 inches Wing Area: 168 square feet Seat car Width: 44 inches Gross Weight: 2,100 pounds Empty Weight: 1,300 pounds Useful Load: 800 pounds Payload with 24 gallons of fuel: 656 pounds Fuel Capacity: 24 Gallons Oil Capacity: 7 quarts Service Ceiling: 12,000 feet Cruising Range: 300 miles AIRSPEEDS: Maximum Speed: 110 mph Cruise Speed: 100 mph Approach Speed: 55 mph To learn more, contact: Mark Clark                                  (800) 426-8783 President and Sales                       (815) 229-5112 [email protected] Darcy Kaapke Marketing Director and Sales [email protected] Courtesy Aircraft Sales 5233 Falcon Road Rockford, IL 61109 USA Courtesy Aircraft Sales, established in 1957,  has earned the recognition as The World Leader in Warbird Sales. Courtesy has sold thousands of Warbirds including the Boeing B-17 Fuddy Duddy, Lockheed P-38L Putt Putt Maru, Goodyear FG-1D Corsair Marines Dream as well as dozens North American P-51 Mustangs.

Courtesy Aircraft is Honored to Help Keep Our Nation’s Aviation Treasures Flying and Preserve Our Great History

REPUBLIC P-47 THUNDERBOLT The P-47 aircraft is the largest and heaviest fighter of WWII at nearly twice the weight of all other single engine Fighters. It was nicknamed the “Jug” and destroyed over 7,000 enemy aircraft during the war. 15,683 aircraft were built and today, only a few remain in flying condition. Available: N147PF, Republic P-47D was built in Evansville, Indiana in 1945.  Nicknamed “No Guts No Glory,” the aircraft has only 150 Hours Since Major Overhaul and equipped with a  Garmin 430 GPS. For more details, click here. GRUMMAN FM-2 WILDCAT The FM-2 Aircraft was the only Navy Fighter to serve throughout the entirety of WWII: From the attack on Pearl Harbor until VJ Day. This is also the only Navy fighter in production throughout the entire war with a total of 7,898 built and only a handful remain in flying condition today.  This aircraft’s design had great advantages to most Japanese Fighter aircraft. Available: N86572, Grumman “Eastern” FM-2 Wildcat had an outstanding 2002 restoration 188 hours ago. This complete restoration included new wiring, new control cables, new ceconite fabric, new hardware and new Redline brakes.For more details, click here. CURTISS WRIGHT P-40 WARHAWK A rugged and dependable Fighter during WWII, this aircraft gained its fame through a group called the “Flying Tigers.”  This American volunteer group consisted of three P-40 squadrons. Their mission was to protect supply lines and airfields in China. They shot down 286 Japanese aircraft and only sustained a total loss of 8 aircraft of their own.  A total of 13,783 were built and only a few remain in flying condition. Available: N4436J, Curtiss Wright P-40K had a ground-up restoration 205 hours ago by Pioneer Aero Restorations Ltd.  The aircraft is equipped with a Garmin 250XL Comm/GPS, Garmin GTX-320 Transponder and Encoder.  For more details, click here.

Working on a newly purchased A-4B Skyhawk to Airworthy Condition

Warbird Heritage Foundation Working on a newly purchased A-4B Skyhawk to Airworthy Condition Click here to view the Warbird Heritage Foundation’s thread. They will be sharing progress on this project and welcomes questions or any information to help The Warbird Heritage Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation created for the purpose of acquiring, restoring, displaying, and demonstrating various antique aircraft of historic military significance. The Foundation’s focus is on preserving it’s aircraft in flying condition, demonstrating these aircraft at air shows and other special events, and promoting public interest in historic military aircraft.

Courtesy Aircraft's Mark Clark Talks Warbird Market and NWOC on Warbird Radio  Click Here To Listen To Podcast