Courtesy Aircraft


Mark Clark interviewed by Matt Jolley on Warbird Radio Click to view Website and Listen Live

Congratulations to Jan van der Flier and his new North American TF P-51 Mustang!

From Courtesy Aircraft’s Hanger to the Netherlands “Hello Mark, Sorry for my late reaction but I did spend four days in the Mustang. I am very happy she has arrived and we worked hard to assemble her. She is in marvelous condition and built with enormous craftsmanship. We all are impressed about the rebuilding job that has been done. We had to trust you about the aircraft and it was worth it, we only had some internet photo’s to decide the sale. We got a wonderful restored Mustang from you. Thanks Mark.” -Jan van der Flier, Owner “Scat VII is now operational. Last Friday I did two test flights. They went very smooth. Saturday I few with Jan for the first time. We went on a 2 hour navigation flight and ferried Scat VII to Antwerp in Belgium. Jan was very impressed by the performance of the Mustang. He is very happy to have flown his new aircraft! Attached are some pictures of the assembly and engine run.” – Marcel Peerlkamp, pilot

Testimonial from Jens

Mark, Just a brief update. I just flew my 50th hour in the Bearcat last night. The plane is doing well. Attached are some pictures. The plane is an amazing performer and the Mustang folks do not enjoy taking off with me. Give your staff my regards and tell them that she is in good hands and flown 2-3 times per week. Best regards, Jens

NATA T-28 Formation Clinic

Sponsored by Courtesy Aircraft Hi Mark, Just a quick note to say “Thank-you” again for your help in sponsoring the NATA T-28 Formation Clinic in Conord, NC. The weather was wonderful, everyone flew a lot and had a great time! Thanks again for your help! -Anggie Mitchard

Rare B-17 Flying Fortress!

At Courtesy Aircraft’s home airport in Rockford, IL, we had the privilege to have EAA’s “Aluminum Overcast” visit on it’s tour around the United States. Check out our photos of the Flight in the Fortress! It was a flight to remember!! Did you know? – The B-17 dropped more bombs than any other United States aircraft during WWII – 12,726 B-17 Aircraft were built and only 15 remain airworthy today – EAA’s “Aluminum Overcast” was purchased in the mid-40s as surplus for only $750! Click here to view “Aluminum Overcast’s” Tour Schedule and Pricing

Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Douglas DC-3

Courtesy Aircraft had the opportunity to participate and several activities celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the DC-3. Our very own N1944H “Spirit of Alaska” flew to Whiteside Airport in Sterling, IL for the gathering of over 32 DC-3s and C-47s. We couldn’t ask for better weather or a greater turn out! The following day, it was off to AirVenture in Oshkosh! N1944H participated in the formation flight over the airport on opening day! Then, a DC-3 Party at Basler Turbo Conversions with all participating DC-3 Crews! Food, drinks and their impressive facilities were open for viewing. We all had a great time- Thank you for your hospitality Basler! On Thursday, our DC-3 was able to participate in the AirVenture Airshow! Photos by Darcy Kaapke, Mike Carlson and Jim Rezich.

Help bring Embry Riddle to RFD!

The Rockford region has an excellent opportunity to land the world’s leading aerospace and aviation university. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is searching for the site of its third residential campus, and a prime spot at Chicago Rockford International Airport is the perfect place (Courtesy Aircraft Sales Home Airport). A campus would help our regional aerospace industry soar, bringing more jobs, money and people to this area. Sign the petition at

Courtesy Aircraft's Mark Clark Talks Warbird Market and NWOC on Warbird Radio  Click Here To Listen To Podcast