Courtesy Aircraft

Family History Honored on Customer’s New Warbird

“If you noticed the names below the forward canopy widow, they are my Uncle, Al Kinder, my Dad’s younger Brother, who flew B-17’s during WWII over Europe after his pilot training was finished and my Dad who was an instructor during the war. My Dad, eventually went on to fly for Eastern Airlines during the war. Both lived into their 80’s. I felt an emotional obligation to put their names on my aircraft to honor them as aviators and to honor their lives. Both were strong influences on my and my brother’s lives and aviation careers.” Congratulations Lou! N3753G Looks Great!

Congratulations to Addison- New Owner of a Grumman Goose Project!

“The Goose transaction went very smooth with your help and expertise. The airplane was everything we had hoped for in terms of a structurally sound Grumman G21A Goose project for me and my family. I was very pleased with the negotiation process and the fairness on the part of the Palm Springs Air Museum and yourself. Your reputation as a straight shooter rings true. Now we get busy and start to breath new life into this treasure over the next few years.” – Addison Pemberton

Courtesy Aircraft's Mark Clark Talks Warbird Market and NWOC on Warbird Radio  Click Here To Listen To Podcast