Courtesy Aircraft

T-33 Returns to the Sky’s of Norway!

Courtesy Aircraft Sells Aircraft Worldwide: T-33 Returns to the Sky’s of Norway! See Photos to view this remarkable Trans-Atlantic trip! A special thank you to our partners- Heritage Aero, Avionics Place and International Jets for making this possible. Start: Rockford, IL USA- Quebec City, Canada – Goosebay, Newfoundland- Narsarsuac, Greenland – Kevlavik, Iceland – End: Norway

EAA’s Squadron 4 Veteran’s Day Forum Held at Courtesy Aircraft’s Hanger

Guest Speaker- George Kaiser was a radar navigator on a B-17 in the 8th air force, 452th bomb group, 729t​h squadron. On his 26th mission, his squadron was attacked by ME 109’s, 190’s, and 262’s. The 109’s rammed 2 of the B-17’s as they were out of ammo. He gave his presentation to us at the Veterans’ Forum and it was a treat! We hope to see you again next year! Click Photos Below to Enlarge

FM-2 WILDCAT pulled this morning from Waukegan Harbor

Today on National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, we had an opportunity to witness a Wildcat being pulled from the cold waters of Lake Michigan. U.S. Navy to recover a historic World War II aircraft from Lake Michigan WAUKEGAN – A World War II Fighter that has been sitting at the bottom of Lake Michigan off the Chicago shoreline for more than 65 years will be brought to the surface this week. The National Naval Aviation Museum with the Naval History and Heritage Command initiated the undertaking.  The Naval Aviation Museum Foundation is sponsoring the location, recovery, restoration, and eventual display of a World War II Eastern Aircraft FM-2 Wildcat Fighter from the depths of Lake Michigan.  The Foundation will complete the recovery portion of the effort this week using a crew from A and T Recovery.  This recovery has been made possible through a generous donation from Mr. Charles Greenhill, of Mettawa, Illinois. This effort will lead to another important World War II aircraft being presented to the American public that shows the significant history of the Greatest Generation, whose courage and dedication to our country preserved America’s and the world’s freedom, stated Capt. Ed Ellis, JAGC, USN (Ret.), Vice President of the Naval Aviation Museum Foundation.  The Naval Aviation Museum will work for display of the Wildcat in the Chicago area in a venue, such as, the Glenview Hangar One Museum. On December 28, 1944 the weather forecast for Chicago read, Fair and continued rather cold today.  At 1151 hours FM-2 Wildcat Bureau Number 57039 crashed into Lake Michigan in about 200 feet of water.  Her pilot at the time was Ensign William E. Forbes.  Ensign Forbes was in the process of making his third take-off of his aircraft carrier qualification off the USS Sable.  Apparently the engine checked out O.K.   However, on the take-off roll the engine began to pop and then quit completely.  57039 rolled off the bow of the ship and sank.  The accident was determined to be 100% material (engine failure). This airplane crashed in Lake Michigan during aircraft carrier qualification training, which was conducted on Lake Michigan during the early to mid-1940s.  More than 17,000 pilots completed the training including LTJG George H. Bush, later to become U.S. President.  The aircraft carriers used for training docked at Navy Pier in Chicago and the airplanes and pilots flew from Glenview Naval Air Station at Glenview, Illinois. A and T Recovery, in conjunction with the Naval Aviation Museum Foundation, the National Naval Aviation Museum, and the Naval History and Heritage Command, has been responsible for the rescue of approximately forty World War II aircraft from the depths of Lake Michigan.  These aircraft are now on display in museums and airports around the United States, including Hawaii.  Two notable examples are currently on display in Chicago, a Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat Fighter on display at O’Hare International Airport and a Douglas SDB Dauntless Dive-bomber at Midway Airport. MEDIA ADVISORY:  The salvaged aircraft will be removed from the water at approximately 10 a.m. Friday, December 7, 2012 at Larsen Marine at Waukegan Harbor in Waukegan, Illinois.  News media coverage of this portion of the operation is welcomed, and media should call Taras Lyssenko at (305) 794-4457, [email protected], for updates.  Larsen Marine is located 625 E. Sea Horse Drive at the northern end of Waukegan Harbor, and may be contacted at (847) 336-5456. Additional contacts:Capt. Robert Rasmussen, USN (Ret.), Director, National Naval Aviation Museum(850) 452-3604 ext. 3119.Capt. Henry Hendrix, USN, Director, Naval History and Heritage Command, 202-433-2210Christine Smith, daughter of Ensign William Forbes  425-345-0608

Testimonial from Rainier Arangies

“I am not one that go on about things but I just have to report back to you on the Cayuse OH-6A and the UH204 that I purchased through you. The machines is just stunning and didn’t miss a beat whilst we operate her intensively g the festive season at the coast. The little Cayuse was immensely popular beyond tourist and locals and was complimented by friend and foe! Thanks once again for offering and trading this machine to us! This is machine #2 bought through Courtesy Aircraft, and after the first deal on the UH204, I didn’t think I could be so satisfied again, but it proof to be wrong! Both machines is well treasured by us, and although old, they operate like new machines…and the compliments is theirs and that of Mike, who incubated them for us. All the best for you and your company for 2013 and may your company go from strength to strength…we need more of such authentic operator/outlets!! Attached find few pictures of operations of Cayuse and Huey!” -Rainier Arangies  

Courtesy Aircraft's Mark Clark Talks Warbird Market and NWOC on Warbird Radio  Click Here To Listen To Podcast