Courtesy Aircraft

Congratulations to Addison- New Owner of a Grumman Goose Project!

“The Goose transaction went very smooth with your help and expertise. The airplane was everything we had hoped for in terms of a structurally sound Grumman G21A Goose project for me and my family. I was very pleased with the negotiation process and the fairness on the part of the Palm Springs Air Museum and yourself. Your reputation as a straight shooter rings true. Now we get busy and start to breath new life into this treasure over the next few years.” – Addison Pemberton

T-33 Returns to the Sky’s of Norway!

Courtesy Aircraft Sells Aircraft Worldwide: T-33 Returns to the Sky’s of Norway! See Photos to view this remarkable Trans-Atlantic trip! A special thank you to our partners- Heritage Aero, Avionics Place and International Jets for making this possible. Start: Rockford, IL USA- Quebec City, Canada – Goosebay, Newfoundland- Narsarsuac, Greenland – Kevlavik, Iceland – End: Norway

EAA’s Squadron 4 Veteran’s Day Forum Held at Courtesy Aircraft’s Hanger

Guest Speaker- George Kaiser was a radar navigator on a B-17 in the 8th air force, 452th bomb group, 729t​h squadron. On his 26th mission, his squadron was attacked by ME 109’s, 190’s, and 262’s. The 109’s rammed 2 of the B-17’s as they were out of ammo. He gave his presentation to us at the Veterans’ Forum and it was a treat! We hope to see you again next year! Click Photos Below to Enlarge

Courtesy Aircraft's Mark Clark Talks Warbird Market and NWOC on Warbird Radio  Click Here To Listen To Podcast