Courtesy Aircraft

Thank you Mark!

Mark, Thanks for getting me connected with Harvard N1811B. The condition and equipment of this Harvard was even better than advertised, and has allowed me to hit the ground running with my Harvard Extreme Air Show Act. Imagine finding a pristine Canadian Harvard in Texas. Lucky for me, your reach is world wide. I look forward to sending you some air show pics from this season.”  

EAA’s AirVenture 2014 Inflight Videos

It was a great time at EAA’s AirVenture in Oshkosh! Here are some great inflight videos taken during this year’s event we would like to share courtesy of Warbirds of America- Enjoy! Warbirds of America: Sunrise Sortie #1 Warbirds of America: Sunrise Sortie #2 Warbirds of America: Sunrise Sortie #3

Congrats to A-26 Invader LLC!

Congrats to A-26 Invader LLC! Recently Sold by Courtesy Aircraft. Follow the restoration and operation of Douglas A-26B Invader On Facebook!

Veteran’s Forum

On Sunday, November 9, EAA Warbird Squadron 4 held its Annual Veterans Forum at Courtesy Aircraft’ s hanger. Thank you for all who attended and our speaker Richard Diller who talked to us about his search and rescue missions in the Skyraider during the Vietnam War.

Courtesy Aircraft's Mark Clark Talks Warbird Market and NWOC on Warbird Radio  Click Here To Listen To Podcast