Courtesy Aircraft

June 27, 2019

Dear American friends,
Some news about N80FS, now registered F-AYSB in France.

She is a lovely bird, I have no words to say how she is amazing….clean, straight, easy, incredible low speed characteristic, fast, powerfull and fore sure so nice.

The French and EU Afficionados are very very happy to see her flying. The French Air Force had been very nice with me, they lend me their airspaces to make the FCF and lend also the Patrouille de France low altitude practice aera to train for my display. End of May I did my first airshow at Orange AFB and I have leaded the French Patrouille de France for two passes just before doing my first solo display…..what an amazing welcome by the French Armée de l’Air for an iconic US AIR FORCE aeroplane. I have flown 4 airshows and I am in love with this beautiful old lady.

I have never flown such an amazing aeroplane, the MK6 seems to be the Pinacle. I try not to fly more than 300 kts during aeros to stay in a small box….which is not easy ! For the first time…I have to train my self to reduce power during a display …just an amazing thoroughbred !

I would need more and more training to make a nice display but I already have very good fun.

One more time thank you very much for all your advises, for your help, maintenance and training.

I wish all of you a very nice and safe airshow season
All the best
Fred Akary from France

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