Courtesy Aircraft

Posted By: Ray

“I bought ’57 BE35H from you two years ago. Great airplane. Hangared since I got it. Virtually unchanged, good compression, using 0 oil, no metal. Looking to trade up to faster BE35 or light twin (Baron, PA-30, Aztec)…Contacting you because 1) You know my airplane, and 2) You delivered exactly what you said you would.”

Posted By: Milt Concannon

“I really appreciate the hospitality from Courtesy Aircraft and Heritage Aero this last few days when I picked up my T-28. I cannot thank you all enough. Mark Pasqualino is an absolutely terrific flight instructor and with a little more help from him I am sure the check ride will go smoothly. After a late start yesterday, we made it to McComb after dark without incident. Plane ran and performed well and was realitively oil free this a.m. Went out at 8:00 a.m. this morning to put the plane in the hangar and there was a crowd of about 30 people slobbering all over the plane. (our airport doesn’t see 30 people in a week!)”

Posted By: Mehdi Shokoohi

“I just want to thank you for the smooth transition on the purchase of my first twin Baron E55. I love the aircraft and I am having a good time flying it. Your staff was very friendly and I can’t wait until the next purchase of my first warbird. Have a great year I will update you when I fly my E55 to the destination that I want.”

Posted By: Bud Walker ATP-756232

“After 70 years of flying 160 different civil and military airplanes and being recognized (at age 83) as being the ‘oldest active airshow performer in the USA’. I busted my FAA medical and got grounded – sold my Pitts S1C on 8 Jan 09 and have almost stopped whining. I thank you for the E-News. Along with my civilian experience, I flew as a USMC aviator, the N2S, SNJs, FM-2, F6F-5, F8F-1,-2, F4U-4, -5, TBM-3, TO-1, F2H-2, F9F-2,-5 amongst many others and loved them all. So now, in my non-flying years, I find solace by getting a warbird fix with your E-News and looking over your the inventory on your website – which has really helped me reconcile my situation! I wish the Courtesy Aircraft crew a happy, healthy and prosperous 2009 and my hopes that you’ll always have a Grumman Bearcat (my all-time favorite – the Pitts Special of the prop fighters!) in inventory for me to drool over.”

Posted By: John Macintosh

“Mark and Staff, Many thanks. Your service was great and when the need arises I shall return.”

Posted By: Steve

“Mark, You might like to know that I have had a very good year with the ’66 V-35. I flew 60 hours last year and it has proven to be exactly as you represented it to be.”

Posted By: Morris Gardner

“Mark, I can’t thank you enough for a smooth, no sweat transaction…not to mention that you “pulled a rabbit out of a hat” by selling my Super Decathlon as the economies of the world are seemingly drowning in an economic climate that might eventually prove to be even more disastrous than that experienced in the immediate aftermath of 9/11/01, when you sold my Stearman! Furthermore, you and your staff are to be commended for putting just as much effort and enthusiasm into these transactions as you do with the rest of the planes you handle, most of which represent sales involving ten to twenty times the market value of these birds. Best regards and thank you once again!”

Posted By: Paul & Lisa Walter

“Mark, The T-37 arrived and created quite a stir at the Waukesha, WI airport! It could never have happened without your help in guiding us through the purchase and T37 rating. Wife Lisa approves; now I have to figure out how to get her out of the left seat!”

Posted By: Tom Duffy

“Mark, All was great, Terry Rush and I went for a type ride in Texas in the MkIX Spitfire. Once again an aircraft purchased through you was exactly as represented. This is the third aircraft I have purchased through you and I have never been disappointed. I believe no one has the knowledge or experience of the warbird market that you have. I know that you always have all the facts and avoid puffing. You ahve made this a fun and painless experience as usual. You and your staff are the best.”

Posted By: Bob Resling

“Mark, I appreciate the effort you put into selling the old bird. I would not think of buying or selling an aircraft without using the services of Courtesy Aircraft. I have now bought two and sold one through you and I have been extremely pleased. Your reputation in the industry is well deserved. Thanks again”

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