Courtesy Aircraft


I still enjoy seeing the listings on your website. The last brochure I received from you all had my beautiful P51 on the cover, and yes it was me flying SU SU. What a beautiful P51. Thanks for the kind words on your website saluting veterans this Veterans Day Weekend. I have been on active duty recall to the Navy since April and I have just been extended for another year. At the present time I am not assigned in Iraq. I am working for a Rear Admiral in Jacksonville, FL on his staff as Region Air Operations for what is known as Navy Region Southeast. Our region encompasses all Navy Installations from Florida to Texas – up to North Carolina. The Airfields I work with number: 12 primary and 19 outer lying fields (OLF’s). I am very proud to be in this position as a Navy Officer, especially when times are tough for our Country. I dream of the day I may get my SU SU back, but I am very thankful to have the keys to a friend’s Texan to fly!

Take care and have a safe holiday.”

Courtesy Aircraft's Mark Clark Talks Warbird Market and NWOC on Warbird Radio  Click Here To Listen To Podcast